Hockey History Origin

Hockey History

Hockey Field

Hockey is a family of sports in which two teams play against each other trying to maneuver a ball or put it into the opponent's goal with a stick. In many areas, a sport typically field hockey or ice hockey is generally known as hockey. Both forms of hockey are popular in the world.

Field hockey is the national game of Pakistan and India. On the other hand, ICE HOCKEY is popular in Europe, especially in Canada, the United States, Latvia and Sweden. The number of fans mentioned above is for both forms of hockey.

Rules Of Hockey:

 The game is played between 11 Players in a rectangular ground. The Fields is 100 Yards long and 60 Yards wide. The Goals are 4 yards wide and 7 feet High. Ball must go into the Goal in order to get a points. Initially the ball was Cricket Hard Ball(Cork center, sting wound and covered with leather. But as times goes on Ball plastic improved of a ball for Hockey. Its about 9 inches(23 m) in circumference. The stick is usually 36 to 38 inches long and weighs (340 to 790 grams). 

Hockey Field

India Pakistan hockey

Hockey In Sub-Continent: The British Rule in Sub-Continent is the reason of so many western games introducing in sub-continent region. Hockey is one of that games. British Army spreads the game In India. International Competition begins in 1895. From 1928 Hockey becomes the India's National game. In Olympics games that year India won Gold medal without Conceding a goal in 5 Matches. 

The dominance of Indian Hockey ended as Pakistan Emerge as a Champion in late 1940s. The World Cup began in 1971 with the invitation for several international matches. Other major international tournaments include the Asian Cup, Asian Games, European Cup and Pan American Games. Men's field hockey has been included in the Olympic Games since 1908 and 1920 and then permanently since 1928. Indoor hockey, played by teams of six players with six players, has become popular in Europe.

Women's Hockey

Women Hockey: Despite the restrictions on the women's sports in Victorian Rule, hockey in women's becoming popular. Women Played so many friendly games from 1895 till 1970's. The First women's Hockey World Cup played in 1974. In 1980's Womens Hockey included in Olympic Games. Women's Hockey association was formed in 1927. The game was introduced in USA in 1901 By Constance M.K. Apple-bee. Field hockey subsequently became a popular outdoor team sport among women there, being played in schools, colleges, and clubs.
