Tennis Equipment and Tennis Court Dimensions

Tennis Equipment And Tennis Court Dimensions

Equipment of Tennis:

Equipment's of Tennis includes a Tennis(racket) and a Ball.

Tennis Racket and a Ball

Tennis(Racket):  A tennis has a handles and a very tight stings.The racket is made of complex composite materials (ceramic, carbon fiber, metal). Strings for tennis rackets can be both natural and synthetic. They thought that natural strings had better qualities, but today synthetic strings are natural in terms of characteristics. It is worth noting that the tension for horizontal and vertical strings is usually different. Usually a tennis racket is chosen by each player individually. 

Tennis Racket

Tennis Ball: International Tennis Federation (ITF) rackets have special requirements: the length of the racket must not exceed 73.66 cm. The width of the racket must not exceed 31.75 cm. The string surface of the racket i.e: the inside size (up to the frame) is 29.21 cm wide and 39.37 cm long. Yellow and white hollow rubber balls are used for the game. To add some aerodynamic properties, the ball is covered with felt fluffy from the outside.

Tennis Ball

Tennis Court And Its Dimensions:

Tennis Court

Everything you need to know about the aspects of a tennis court will be discussed here.You will find that the governing body of this sport is the International Tennis Federation, and then the measurements are written in a document called the annual 'Tennis Rules'.Court approx. It is 23.78 meters long and 8.23 ​​meters wide for singles. The size for doubles is 10.97 meters (36 feet). From the network, the service line is approx. 6.40 m. A total of 37 meters long and 18 meters wide, the course is surrounded by extra space for players to run balls.There is a net that completely covers the width of the course, because it is divided into two straight edges, while parallel to the baseline. 



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